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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Basic knowledge about torrent file sharing.. uploading and downloading..

Now a days its common knowledge that, if you have a broad-band internet connection at home, you can download full length movies and videos. And its free. You can enjoy watching rare videos, some of your old favourites, the movies which is very difficult to get from even a video library(I am not recommending anybody to download the pirated movies or videos or softwares or anything from internet and I myself is not doing the same..So, make sure that the file you are downloading is an authorized one, otherwise you may get into some serious problems).

I am just passing some tips on how to increase your torrent file download. Before that, I will just explain you about, whats this torrent files and why this is very popular.

Previously, we were using http file transfer technique to download and upload files from one system to another. We used to download some songs and videos which are in the size range of 5-10 MBs or at the most 20 MBs.. If you are trying to download bigger sized files, say a movie, which will have a size of 1-1.5 GB, you know the difficulty..rt..??? It will take lot of time, sometimes, if the connection is lost in between the download, you have to start all over again. Its painful..rt..??

So, there comes how torrent file sharing is dominating the normal file sharing.

In traditional http file sharing, the file will be transferred as a single unit. But torrent is relying on the devide and rule policy.here in torrent technology, the file, say of 2GB size, will be devided into smaller ones, say of the size of 512KB each (with a larger no of files of about 2000...). So, there should be some tool to manage downloading all these individual pieces and then join it together to make the original file.

There are lots of such torrent file downloader tools available from internet, like, bitcomet, bittorrent, azureus, bittornado, utorrent etc. I feels utorrent is better among all the clients available.

Unlike the normal way of downloading, here, each downloader has to do the uploading also. The client which you are using for downloading will take care of uploading also. The torrent tracking sites will insist for a download/upload ratio of a minimum of 1. By such a mechanism , what will happen is that, its not from a single machine that you are downloading. You may be downloading from another 20 machines. The downladd client will show you even the IP address of each of the peers from where you are downloading and to which you are uploading.

For a 256kbps speed broadband connection, you can get a maximum of 30kb/sec download speed. You can reach upto this speed if you can fine tune the settings of your torrent file downloader client.

Some of the most popular torrent file downloading web sites are, http://www.torrentportal.com , http://thepiratebay.org/, www.bittorrent.com/, http://www.demonoid.com/ etc..

In the next article I will give you tips on how to increase your download speed by optimizing the settings of your utorrent file.