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Friday, June 8, 2007

Should Orkut be banned in India ...?????

Today in news papers, I came across a news that, in Mumbai Shiv Sena supporters had destroyed some ciber cafes protesting against some hate comments against Chhatrapati Shivaji that appeared in an Orkut community. And subsequently, the Maharashtra police recommends to the Union Government for the banning of the site, Orkut (http://orkut.com).

In fact, this is not an isolated case. There are n number of the so called hate communities in orkut, which are not under the scanner. They will be posting all sort of nonsenses and hate messages. You can find lots of Hate India communities also. Orkut should take some stringent steps to stop all such abusive groups. Now, the situation is like anybody can create a group and all like hearted people join it.

But, banning orkut is not at all a good idea. Its like banning the freedom to express. There are millions of groups which are really helpful, like higher education, migrating to US, UK or any other country, etc etc... Orkut is the biggest Social Networking site, which is connecting Billions of people through out the world. You can always end up in meeting any of your old friend to whom you lost all the contacts.

Rediff (http://rediff.com) discussion forums are coming with the feature of Report Abuse section, where users can straight away report an abuse against any hate/abusive/pornographic comments. I am recommending such type of proactive steps from Orkut in this regard.

The protest from Shiv Sena is more like a Political drama to get public attention. Indian govt should not ban Orkut. The govt can command the Orkut people to take some stringent action against this anti social elements.